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Dino Chase

Used object oriented design principles to create a two player Pacman inspired game in C++.

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2048 AI

Used image recognization and uninformed search techniques to create an algorithm that plays 2048 effectively.

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Personal Website

Used the Flask and Bootstrap packages to create a personal website.

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Convex Hull

Computes the convex hull of a set of points using two algorithms (Divide and Conquer, Jarvis March).

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Medical Information System

Database program for a medical information system. Able to manipulate database through the use of a GUI.

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Best Seam

Finds the best seam (using Dynamic Programming) in an image and contains GUI that demonstrates the application of it on any chosen image.

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University of Connecticut

Teaching Assistant

Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023

Assisted students in a system programming course. Taught weekly laboratory sections and held office hours throughout the semester.

BNY Mellon

START Technology Intern

Summer 2023

Worked on gathering wealth indicator information to develop a product that analyzed multiple economic factors and provided valuable insight on how to optimize marketing efforts to best maximize ROI.

Bentley Systems

Software Developer Intern

Summer 2022

Worked along side an agile development team (SewerGEMS) to deliver on customer requests for the civil engineer software.

KenCast Inc.

Software Intern

Summer 2020, Summer 2021

Undertook software engineering of wireless broadcast systems for entertainment and emergency services.